7 Tips for Planning a Dewatering Project

Just about every construction and mining operation has to deal with groundwater and surface water. Sometimes you need to recycle and reuse the water, while other times you just need to get rid of it so you can effectively work on the site. There are a lot of important factors to deal with when it comes to dewatering, so here are some tips from Cortech that will help you efficiently plan your next dewatering project.

  1. Have a Plan

The first and foremost tip is to make sure you go into the dewatering project with a plan. Without proper research and planning, groundwater can literally sink your operation and leave you completely shut down.

  1. Understand and Follow the Regulations

You have to be really careful when dealing with groundwater, which is highly regulated by federal, state and local authorities. Make sure you understand and follow all regulations, secure all necessary permits, avoid contaminating the water and have remediation plans in place if you do encounter any contaminants or environmental issues.

  1. Think Long Term

Dewatering is generally an ongoing issue that will affect your operation as long as it goes on. Don’t think of it as pumping out the water once and being done with it. That’s not how it works. You have to have long-term plans in place to consistently deal with groundwater, rain and other elements that can shut down your operation at any time if not managed correctly.

  1. Find the Right Pumps and Dewatering Systems

A vital part of your plan will be selecting, installing, configuring and maintaining the ideal pump equipment and pump systems to effectively handle all your dewatering needs. There are many different types of pumps out there and many are specially designed for certain applications. Work with an engineering expert like Cortech to get the right pump system on your site for efficient dewatering.

  1. Always Track the Weather and Understand the Environment

The weather (especially rain and other forms of natural moisture) and the environment around your plant will have major effects on your water management requirements. All dewatering plans must take into account the climate of the work site, with special attention given to likely weather events.

  1. Understand the Water

Not all groundwater or surface water is the same. It may contain different minerals, contaminants or even plants and animals that will impact the design of a dewatering system. Study the water carefully before removing it to avoid major problems.

  1. Don’t Waste the Water

Most operations can benefit from reusing the water pumped from the ground. Even if your plant doesn’t use it, there are always good uses for excess water for businesses, farms, municipalities or other plants near you, so look for other ways to use the water and it could be a win-win situation.
For all the help you need in getting the right pump, system and plans together for your dewatering needs, contact Cortech today.