Water Week is an annual event that takes place in Washington DC, and this year, Water Week 2016 will be held from April 10th to April 16. Cortech works with their clients to support and provide them with the latest equipment available to make wastewater treatment efficient, environmentally friendly, and innovative. As companies begin to realize the need for these initiatives, more is being done to make them a reality worldwide. The formation of the Water Week conference is a perfect example of this.
Companies and officials will be gathering at Water Week 2016 to discuss the current wastewater treatment issues that are occurring and to brainstorm together to bring the world closer to a resolution. The event is organized by the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Water Research Foundation (WRF), the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), and WateReuse, all of which are supported by national, state, and regional water organizations. They have organized the event to bring hundreds of water and wastewater professionals to Washington DC where they will have to opportunity to speak with both members of Congress and federal regulators. Through these interactions they will be able to reveal and highlight the innovative inventions in the industry, discuss current and needed legislative concerns, and dialogue about what more can be done to solve the nation’s water crisis. Following these discussions, the conference will celebrate the many achievements being made in the water and wastewater treatment industry.
Cortech is thrilled to follow this conference. Helping our country and the world become more water conscious and more innovative with the way wastewater is treated is a passion straight from Cortech’s heart. This conference that celebrates the many achievements in wastewater treatment is sure to further the cause for safe and available drinking water.