Water Quality Testing Made Easy with ROAM by e-sens

Water Quality Testing Made Easy with ROAM by e-sens

When it comes to water quality, consider several critical factors. Simplicity, accuracy, and efficiency are paramount. ROAM by e-sens is an innovative device designed to make water quality testing as straightforward as pushing a button. With its advanced technology and user-friendly design, ROAM changes the way you can approach water testing at your operation.

Simple and Effective

ROAM offers superior simplicity and convenience. You don’t have to go through complex preparation and procedures for your water quality testing. With ROAM, you simply fill a sample vial, insert it into the device, and let it do the rest. The intuitive design ensures even those with minimal technical knowledge can perform accurate water tests easily.

ROAM syncs with your mobile device via Bluetooth. This integration allows for instant data transmission, ensuring you can access your results in real time in any location. Whether you’re in the field or the lab, ROAM provides the flexibility you need to conduct water tests wherever you are.

Unmatched Accuracy and Consistency

Accuracy is crucial in water quality testing. The ROAM device improves testing accuracy through greater user-to-user consistency, minimizing the chances of human error. It is capable of generating results for 23 different test parameters in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods.

ROAM’s ability to provide centralized data visibility complements this high level of accuracy. You can perform quick, accurate water tests, then store and access data for long-term analytics. This feature is particularly beneficial for organizations that require regular monitoring and reporting of water quality data.

Cost-Effective and Time-Saving

ROAM delivers accurate results and significant time and cost savings. Traditional water testing methods often require multiple reagents and solutions. ROAM eliminates these needs with its all-inclusive, recyclable cartridge system. Each cartridge is good for 100 tests, significantly reducing the time and expense associated with single-parameter water quality tests​.

In addition, ROAM is designed to be durable and reliable. The device offers a battery life that supports one to two days of mixed usage. This ensures you can perform multiple tests without the need for frequent recharging, making it an ideal solution for extensive fieldwork​.

Real-Time Data and Alerts

Having access to real-time data is essential. ROAM provides instant alerts and notifications through the e-sens mobile app, available on both iOS and Android platforms. This feature ensures you are immediately informed of any critical changes in water quality, allowing for prompt action and troubleshooting.

The app also enables you to collect, track, and analyze all of your water quality parameters and testing data. This seamless integration of hardware and software simplifies the process of managing water quality information. ROAM makes it easier than ever to maintain high standards of water safety and compliance.

Ready to ROAM?

ROAM by e-sens is a true game-changer for water quality testing. To learn more about this product and see if it’s right for your operation’s specific water testing needs, contact DXP Pacific today.