Sundyne Launches LMV-801s

Cortech Engineering is exited to announce that we are now carrying Sundyne’s newest LMV model—the 801s. This pump offers our clients in Southern California and Bakersfield, California some exceptional benefits. Sundyne recently launched its new LMV-801s, a vertical, low flow, and sealless magnetic drive pump. The range includes pumps based on the HMD Kontro GS […]

Better Pump Efficiency Tips: Part 2

Previously, we looked at a few tips for keeping your pumps and applications working as efficiently as possible. These tips were thanks to our friends over at Pumps & Systems. Today, we are going to look at the final five tips to making sure your pumps are working as efficiently as they possibly can be. […]

Better Pump Efficiency Tips: Part 1

We always want to make things more efficient. We want them to work faster, cost less, and be better for the environment. If this is how you want your business to be running, one of the best things you can do to ensure this is be sure that all of your pumps are as efficient […]